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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Last GJ Free Press Column

The Time Has Come…

All good things must come to an end and the time has come to end this column in the Free Press.

One of the things that I have always been fond of saying is that if you do not evolve, you become extinct and evolve we must!

For almost six years, I have pontificated about food and life in the Grand Valley and beyond and it has been a blast, but times and things change so this will be my last column in the paper. For our dedicated fans, you can still follow us on our blog.

Almost six years…. Over 200 columns, rants, raves and musings!

In this time, we have found many fans, some of which have written and emailed us, stopped by the many events we have done throughout the Valley and expressed their fondness for the column and for that, we thank you. The staff at the Free Press has been great, and I also want to single out Josh Nichols, who back in January of 2009, allowed me the space to write, thanks Josh!

We have seen many changes throughout the Valley in our time in the paper, people come, people go, but the one thing I have learned, is that we truly have some great foodies here! From the folks in the restaurants, bars, brewpubs and cafes to the people in the streets; good food and good eatin’ prevail!

It has been a privilege and a pleasure writing this column and for that… I thank you!

So I am going to end this column the way it began… from our first column…

‘It was somewhere around the edge of the dessert, in the Grand Valley, when the food began to take hold…”

You can still follow us on Pinterest; Decadence Gourmet Cheesecakes and Decadence Cheesecakes Cooking Thoughts..

You can keep following the adventures of Decadence on Facebook at ,on Twitter ( and on Pinterest (

Lee is the founder and owner of Decadence Gourmet Cheesecakes and Catering. He can be reached at, through their website at, on Facebook or by calling 256-4688!


As stated, we will still be writing, about food, travels (and food) and life (and food!)...but mostly here, in cyberspace!